I've been absent for a while. I'm done with work and I've been concentrating on school and getting everything ready for little Nicole. It will be any day now. We have a doctors appointment tomorrow and will probably get a more accurate date. I'm using James' computer to post pic from Nicole room and the baby shower that was thrown on Saturday, January 31st. I'm preparing something special for Nicole's birth so stay tuned!
I am working on my Master's Degree in Human Behavior (DONE- YEAH!!!). I love to read and spend time with my family. I am my husband's girlfriend and my kids mom!
This is the love of my life and the winner of my heart. He is his kids dad and he loves the Lord and his family.
Son-O-Fur Spalding
OUr big boy is the nicest guy around who loves math, star wars and reading the bible. He's the most forgiving person I know!
Sweet Baby Spalding
Nicole is our sweet little girl who was never supposed to be born. They didn't think I could have any more babies but oh boy, didn't God show them who was in charge.